๐Ÿ‚๐ŸAutumns Outing๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚

๐Ÿ‚๐ŸAutumns Outing๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚

October 31, 2019

I Step Outside And Take In A Deep Breath, Breathing In The Autumns Cool Air.

I'm Casually Dolled Up Andย Have Decided I Need Some Fresh Air!

I'm Done With Being Cooped Up In My Apartment All Day!

I Think I Go To The Park. I'll Take A Walk By The Pond. Feed The Ducks And Bask In The Autumn Sun.

Along My Way, I Cut Through Downtown. I Take In The City Vibes, Passing By The Shops And Then Something Catches My Eye.

"Oh, What A Familiar Face!" I Say With A Wide Smile. I See My Love From Afar And He's Walking Around In A Jewelry Store!

All Plans For The Park Have Now Been Totally Erased! It'll Be Much More Fun To Follow Him All Day!

I Quickly Duck Around The Corner, So He Wouldn't See My Face. He's Walking Out The Shop And Coming Right Towards My Way!

Oh No! How Can I Miss Him?! He's Headed Straight For Me!ย 

I Turn Around And Put My Head Down Looking At The Concrete.

He Turns The Corner And Seems To Walk Right Pass Me!

What?! I Think! How Could He Not See Me? He Practically Went Right Around Me!

He's Only 5 Steps In Front Of Me, I Thought He Would Continue To Walk Away, But Then He Suddenly Stops!

"I Spy With My Little Eye!" He Turns Right On His Heels And Closes The Gap Between Him And Me!

Oh No! He's Caught Me!

"And What Are You Doing, My Dear?!" He Sternly Says To Me.

"Oh, I Was Just Out For A Stroll." "And I Saw You-"

"Yeah! You Saw Me And Hide Around The Corner!" He Sharply Cuts Me Off. Towering Over Me, While Looking Down His Nose.

"Oh No, My Love! I Plea. Please Don't Be Angry With Me!"

He Leans Down And Gently Kisses My Nose And Replies To Me. "But My Dear, How Could I Not Be." "I See You, See Me And You Quickly Hide From Me."

"Never Mind Your Explanation!" I Want You To Make It Up To Me!"

"How?!" I Exclaim!ย 

"By Being With Me!"

"On My ๐Ÿ‚๐ŸAutumns Outing๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚, You Shall Accompany Me."


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